Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
toaster 'at"
This is Humbugardy. I'm your host, Alex Scorebard.
Bravery | Haiku Trades | Same School | "Tools" of Ignorance | Literary Baseball | Ballpark Franks |
100 | Derek Smart | Jen | Baby Maddux | Humma Kavula | metfaninalaska |
Baby Maddux | 200 | 200 | Cliff Corcoran | TFD | MattPat11 |
Dan Lucero | TFD | Joe | For The Turnstiles | Ryan Wilkins | 300 |
Shaun P | Jacob L | T J | Bob Timmerman | Bob Timmerman | 400 |
Rorschach | Bob Timmerman | Philip Michaels | Shaun P | 500 | Next... |
Note: Using the web to search is gotta know (or guess) off the top of your head.
or alternately "Hernandez, Colon"?
Don't we just need five syllables? How does Colon fit in anyway?
As I recall, that was a three-team trade with the Yankees diverting Colon, who was with the Expos, to the White Sox to prevent the Red Sox from getting him.
Yanks got Osuna
Chicago got Colon
Expos got El Duque and Lantigua
Mind you I'm not looking this up until Alex Scorebard tells me if I'm right.
Sam, I'm fighting it with all my might. Hilarious, but I'm also furious at you for it.
Its practically Bob's answer, and maybe the "right" answer shouldn't turn on whether "who" or "what" is used, but you don't know if you don't try, right?
That's where we wanna go, way down to Kokomo . . . Aruba, Jamaica . . . ;)
Good luck, Cliff and Bob!
Bermuda, Bahama . . .
And I don't know if I can do this, my first question remains my first guess, but I fear a technicality.
If it worked out that the Expos traded Colon to the White Sox for Osuna/Lantigua and then the Yankees traded El Duque for Osuna, the question would be:
What is "Bartolo Colon"?
El Duque was traded from the Yankees to the White Sox for Lantigua and Osuna.
The White Sox then packaged El Duque to the Expos with Rocky Biddle, Jeff Liefer, and cash for Bartolo Colon and Jorge Nunez.
Mr. Timmerman, the board is yours.
In my head, the vile song referred to above.
In my ears, Tom Waits' "Temptation."
The combination is...foul.
Congrats Bob, I believe you have the lead again.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.