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Humbugardy, Round 1
2005-07-27 23:15
by Score Bard

Welcome to Humbugardy. I'm your host, Alex Scorebard.

(I know a good idea when I pilfer see one. I hope Annika doesn't mind that I'm stealing her idea expanding her innovation into the world of baseball poetry.)

Here are the rules: I will provide the answer, you provide the question. The answers will all be related to both baseball and poetry somehow. The answer may be a poem, or be about a poem. Sometimes the answer is an incomplete poem, and you must complete the poem with your question.

The first person to question the answer correctly gets the points, and gets to choose the next answer.

The question must be in the form of a question. If the answer is an incomplete poem, the question must not only be correct, it must scan correctly to complete the poem.

When I announce that the answer is questioned correctly, the winner can then choose the next answer. After which, I'll post the next answer. I'll post one or two answers per day, at random times.

Ready to start? The first person to comment below can pick the first answer from the following categories:


Bravery Haiku Trades Same School "Tools" of Ignorance Literary Baseball Ballpark Franks
100 100 100 100 100 100
200 200 200 200 200 200
300 300 300 300 300 300
400 400 400 400 400 400
500 500 500 500 500 500
2005-07-28 00:26:22
1.   annika
i'll ring in here.
2005-07-28 00:29:58
2.   Score Bard
Go ahead, annika, pick a category.
2005-07-28 00:36:26
3.   annika
i'll take literary baseball for 100
2005-07-28 00:52:18
4.   Score Bard
Literary baseball for 100, it is. I'll post it in the morning around 9AM--it's getting late now...

Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.