A Poem in which the First Line is to be Repeated for Three Consecutive Months
2008-02-01 16:33
by Score Bard
"Has Johan been traded?" "Not yet."
"A Yankee? A Red Sox?" "A Met!"
"Who'd the Twins get?"
"Some kids we'll forget,
But to pay, Shea's gone way into debt."
The Mets were thought kings of the hill,
But a September swoon made them ill,
Even sicker still
Was their new doctor's bill,
"One-fifty point seven-five mil"!
Taking three months to work out a deal
Implies it would be easy to seal
It given three days to discuss,
But, fortunately for us,
Baseball's full of surprises, and so
Through the extra phase both sides did go
And, after too much building tension,
Agreed in the time of extension.
What are the odds Johan will not
Pass his physical, dragging out the plot?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.
But a September swoon made them ill,
Even sicker still
Was their new doctor's bill,
"One-fifty point seven-five mil"!
Implies it would be easy to seal
It given three days to discuss,
But, fortunately for us,
Baseball's full of surprises, and so
Through the extra phase both sides did go
And, after too much building tension,
Agreed in the time of extension.
What are the odds Johan will not
Pass his physical, dragging out the plot?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.