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Offseason Anagram Wrap: Cubs
2006-02-24 17:22
by Score Bard

Pardon me if I turn into Tom Tantrum here for a moment. I was just working on my NL Central Anagram Wraps when I discovered that some dude decided to rob me of my idea. Rob? By Who? A total loser named Al, apparently.

So let me tell everybody what I think about Al, the Crime Brat:

Al Is Cow Snot, Milt. Al Wore Slime, Jim. Al Ran Bozos, Marc. He's a Dud Egg, Marx. He is all Wet, Much Lazier than I. If Al were Elizabethan, he would pilfer Shakespeare of Romeo and Juliet, and then Rob Verona, Too. I bet if Al, Slasher Man were on Survivor: Donner's Gulch, he'd be the last man left uneaten. So, Aye, Go On TV and Rob, Kidnap Air from a drowning diver. Heck, I would even bet Al Corrals Mom if it would suit his evil purposes. Yes, So Jeer Al, he deserves your scorn.

Al, it's time I Talked Word (Or Keyword) with you. It is so not cool to Pry Tradesmen of their work. Stealing someone else's gig is off the scale on the Lowly Deed Meter. As far as I'm concerned, your mother is henceforth The Irony Rat and your father will forever Reek Elder Berries. I Pee, Ruin Jar and Belch on Yarn in your general direction. You are not worthy to Jab My Horn.

So I'm warning you: watch out. Do you have a bodyguard Escort Yet? Don't bother. You can't stop me. I'll make any Escort Moot. If I Expel you from the blogosphere with A Penal Gang it won't be a moment too soon. If you try anything remotely like that again, I will make you sing from Woman Hill, if you know what I mean.

OK, sorry for that Sad Diva Drama. Back to your regularly scheduled anagrams.

40-man roster:
61Al Corrals MomR/R6-218009/14/82
48Al Is Cow Snot, MiltR/R6-018502/17/76
38Al Ran Bozos, MarcS/R6-525506/01/81
52Al, Slasher ManL/L6-619508/30/82
32Al Wore Slime, JimR/R6-324512/04/81
33Donner's GulchL/L6-122511/07/74
31Dud Egg, MarxR/R6-018004/14/66
47Escort YetL/L6-121505/30/72
70EU Yak, UK Jr.R/R6-322005/30/83
53I Chill RHL/L6-520503/11/80
22Irk Pro ArmR/R6-523009/07/80
40Lowly Deed MeterR/R6-320508/30/78
49OK, Honk On JarL/L6-118007/03/80
34Or KeywordR/R6-522506/16/77
46Pry TradesmenR/R6-221505/03/77
62Rob? By Who?L/R6-522008/04/73
44Rob Verona, TooR/R6-520008/15/79
54Sad Diva DramaR/R6-520012/27/81
43Wet, Much LazierR/R6-320512/15/78
45Woman HillL/L6-219508/13/77
67Zen Gang AlumR/R6-319012/14/81
8Al, The Crime BratR/R6-321010/22/76
24Belch On YarnR/R5-1122008/29/71
58So, Aye, Go On TVR/R6-123001/20/83
51Yes, So JeerS/R5-1118002/26/84
16Air Arm Maze, SirR/R6-121506/25/78
5Cry On One EndR/R6-018002/02/83
57Escort MootL/R6-218011/17/83
13I Freeze PinS/R6-019506/02/73
56Rob, Kidnap AirR/R6-423512/20/83
25Reek ElderR/R6-524509/06/75
7Talked WordL/R6-018505/25/73
55The Irony RatR/R5-1117512/07/79
29A Penal GangS/R6-118007/02/81
9I Pee, Ruin JarL/L6-018008/14/77
68If I ExpelL/L6-217502/08/85
17Jab My HornL/R6-421010/17/70
11JJ As Co-QueenL/L5-1020504/25/75
15Rant Hirer JoysR/R5-1018505/29/76
19Tom TantrumR/R6-121510/03/81

2006-02-24 19:12:46
1.   Vishal
easily the best thing you've written. that was brilliant
2006-02-24 23:27:16
2.   AndJelloSank
These are outstanding.
2006-02-25 02:26:49
3.   Al Yellon
Hey, I DID say I stole your idea.

Yours are good, all right. I still like Mutant Mort better than Tom Tantrum.

2006-02-25 17:55:45
4.   graciebarn
Tsk tsk, anagram wars. You two deserve a STURDY BAKE until you've thawed out.
2006-02-25 19:40:14
5.   Score Bard
I fail to see why I deserve a BAD TURKEY. I'm the victim here.
2006-02-25 23:15:24
6.   das411
Can you turn Irk Pro Arm into some kind of curse?


2006-02-26 03:22:12
7.   Al Yellon
Not quite sure why you want A BURST DYKE, but hey, to each his own.
2006-03-01 00:31:17
8.   KarmaConstable
Registered just so I could say: genius. Love it. One of the best things I've read in a long, long time. w00tsy.

Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.